Application withdrawn for proposed asphalt plant in East Flat Rock
A conditional rezoning application for an asphalt plant in East Flat Rock has been withdrawn.
Jeff Shipman of SE Asphalt withdrew his application Tuesday afternoon. The Henderson County Board of Commissioners was set to meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday to vote on the project. That meeting was canceled upon the withdrawal of the application.
“The county received notice at 12:11 p.m. today that the application for a Conditional Zoning change filed by H.S. Shipman has been formally withdrawn,” the county confirmed in a news release Tuesday.
Commissioner Mike Edney, who originally requested the extension for the decision, announced last week that he planned to vote against the proposed rezoning.
The applicant seeking a permit for an asphalt plant has once again pulled a rezoning application, causing the Henderson County Board of Commissioners to call off a meeting tonight at which it was expected to decide the case.
Southeastern Asphalt Co. owner Jeff Shipman through attorney Brian Gulden notified Henderson County Attorney Russ Burrell at 12:11 p.m. that he was pulling the application. It was the second time Shipman withdrew the application on the eve of a scheduled decision by the Board of Commissioners. He withdrew the application last December and refiled it in March, resulting in a vote for a second time by the county Planning Board to recommend that the county deny the rezoning.