Listen to Ag Analyst Kent Thiesse with an update on the Payment Protection Program (PPP) round one and two. Plus the latest on the revised Wildfire Hurricane Indemnity Program (WHIP+) and the Top Up Payments for Pork Producers. Some of these programs are the result of the COVID-19 pandemic while others like WHIP and WHIP+ were around before the pandemic and all the shutdowns that began about a year ago.
The Top Up Program payments for pork producers are the most in question as they are still being reviewed by the Biden Administration. I also talked with Kent about Farmfest as it was just announced there would be a Farmfest this year. Things could change between now and early August but right now it looks like we may have a normal summer. For many years Kent has organized all the forums in the forum building at Farmfest. I am sure there will be a lot of topics to choose from this year at Farmfest.