Published: 4/19/2021 3:39:34 PM
Jaffrey residents will conclude its 2021 Town Meeting in person this Saturday, carrying on last year’s solution to avoiding large gatherings with another drive-in meeting.
Jaffrey has already held its general elections for town positions and zoning amendments on March 9, and will continue the rest of the business meeting, including the town budget and other warrant articles, in the parking lot of the Hope Fellowship Church in Jaffrey on Saturday at 9 a.m.
“It’s the same format as last year,” Town Manager Jon Frederick said in an interview Monday. “The process worked well last year.”
Last year’s drive-in Town Meeting had about 170 participants, Frederick said, which is more attendance than the prior three year’s Town Meetings. Similar to last year, voters will register as they drive into the parking lot without exiting their cars, and then park in the Hope Fellowship lot. They may exit their cars but must remain in the area of their
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
Jaffrey’s Contoocook Beach will be smaller and unstaffed this summer.
Last year, the Select Board agreed to close the roadway leading to and from the beach for safety, but not to bring in sand to cover the roadway – as the town had in previous years – which typically doubles the size of the available beach. The decision was made last year in hopes of discouraging out-of-town visitors who were flocking to local beaches and swimming holes.
The board decided to continue that practice this year, voting during its most recent meeting to still close the road for safety, and but not to extend the beach.