Could we care less about people who care? At some point we all need care. Why is it so undervalued?
about 3 hours ago
We all start life needing care. If we live long enough, many of us end up needing care and at some point in the middle we will likely be responsible for the care of others. Care and caring should be at the centre of how we think about our culture, but it’s frequently treated as an afterthought or an aberration. We are strangely in denial about how much caring work is required to make our society function.
How watching TV during lockdown can be good for you
Updated / Tuesday, 2 Mar 2021
12:31 There is evidence to suggest that watching TV can also be good for us if we go about it the right way Photo: Getty Images
Analysis: we are drawn to podcasts, TV programmes, films and other art because we want to experience strong emotions
It s easy to feel guilty when you re lazing around in front of the TV in your pyjamas, eating ice cream straight out of the tub. But it s not an unusual activity in lockdown. The extended nature of the pandemic has turned attention to the impact that it is having on our collective mental health.
Trevor Laffan: Criticism of SNAs was close to home virus is great divider
Trevor Laffan
Teachers are anxious to get back to the classrooms, but safety is paramount, says Trevor Laffan. Picture iStock
Trevor Laffan
IF you still don’t know how real or how scary Covid-19 is, then you should listen back to Brendan O’Connor’s recent interview with Senator Marie-Louise O’Donnell about her battle with the virus.
She said it was petrifying, and when it had sucked all the energy out of her, she was almost prepared to give up and drift away because it would have been easier.