At the May 6 meeting of the Colorado State University System Board of Governors, President Joyce McConnell shared plans for mostly in-person learning, events and university operations on campus this fall, largely made possible by the recently announced vaccine requirement. McConnell also advocated for a 3% merit pool to provide pay increases for faculty and administrative professional staff, along with a 3% increase in teaching and research assistant stipends for graduate students. That degree of additional salary support would match what is planned for classified personnel across the state.
Colorado State University to celebrate the Class of 2021 May 14 10 May, 2021
The remarkable resilience of Colorado State University’s Spring and Summer 2021 graduates is awe-inspiring. The many achievements of this year’s Ram graduates were celebrated in person during the ceremonial walk across CSU’s historic Oval in April, and now a virtual commencement ceremony is set to honor the 4,600-plus students who have navigated the challenges of 2020 and 2021 to earn degrees.
CSU will celebrate those Rams who have completed work on undergraduate and graduate degrees in the spring and summer semesters:
• Undergraduates: 3,452, with 446 candidates for distinction (61 summa cum laude, 131 magna cum laude and 254 cum laude)
Colorado State University held a virtual town hall Friday afternoon to give the community more information about its plans for the summer and fall semester.
This was the university’s largest town hall to date, with more than 950 community members tuning in to hear updates and ask questions of campus officials.
Provost Mary Pedersen said CSU is hoping to have the “vast majority” of classes in-person and at full classroom capacity. There will be a number of schedule changes from now until mid-June as classes are shifted from hybrid or remote to in-person and new in-person classes are added, Pedersen said. The university is prioritizing courses with high enrollment for the move back to in-person learning, Pedersen said, along with classes for freshmen and graduating students.