TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Cruising into the future of popular car event
Friday, May 14, 2021
Cars lined National Avenue bumper to bumper for the May 1 Cruising Brazil 2021 event.
Ivy Jacobs photo
Sometimes an idea just grows legs and takes off, and a Brazil mans simple idea is growing by leaps and bounds as it runs into the future.
I have lived here all my life and love this town. To see so many people come together for these events has sure renewed that, said Eric Jensen, who posted the idea for the Cruising Brazil event on Facebook last summer. It started out last year hoping for 20 or so old classmates to show up in town to cruise around as we did back in the day, but I think it was the town that showed up, and that is incredible.
TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Roberts thankful for support at benefit
Monday, May 3, 2021
By IVY JACOBS, Times Reporter
Stacy Roberts family gathered around her during the American Legion Post #2 fundraising benefit Saturday, April 24. The event was raising money to help the family pay for medical bills. Pictured with Stacy (in the middle) are surrounded by her daughters in front Danika and Alexis mother-in-law Marcia Mendenhall, husband Daniel Roberts holding daughter Ryleah, and her mother, Shelia Higginbotham.
Ivy Jacobs photo
The community gathered to support a local family in need during the American Legion Post #2 Stacy Roberts Benefit Bike and Jeep Ride Saturday, April 24.
TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: City, county officials thrilled to get several thousand funding dollars
Thursday, February 25, 2021
By IVY JACOBS, Times Reporter
This week Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) announced $100.8 million in federal transportation funding would be invested in local road and bridge improvements and sidewalk and trail projects.
Clay County, receiving $1 million, and Brazil, receiving $620,568.13, are receiving a slice of the pie. (Rural communities were invited to submit project applications to INDOT for potential funding during a call for projects announced in October 2020.)
Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham and Clay County Commissioner Paul Sinders were pleased with the announcement, with both citing the funds will be used to pave local roads.
TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Water line break repaired, no boil order necessary
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
By IVY JACOBS, Times Reporter
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - The City of Brazil has been busy due to the recent winter blast. City employees worked in frigid temperatures to fix an eight-inch water line break near the 300 block of north Hoosier Street Tuesday night.
Freezing temperatures caused a break in an eight-inch city water line on Tuesday, but it was repaired without the need for a boil order.
Brazil Mayor Brian Wyndham was with the city water department crew at the water line break near the 300 block of north Hoosier Street during the repair process that took six-seven hours. The rupture, which was repaired shortly after midnight, only affected the city water customers in that area.