Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert Washington, DC Saturday, January 9, 2021 The takeover Wednesday of the U.S. Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters provides several crisis management lessons, according to crisis management expert and author Edward Segal. In a story on Forbes.com where he is a Leadership Strategy contributor, Segal writes, there are several important crisis management lessons for business leaders when they have to confront crisis situations at their companies or organizations The lessons include planning for a crisis; preparing for various worst-case scenarios; and communicating effectively, accurately, and frequently with key audiences and stakeholders throughout a crisis.
Eight snarky things done on the internet. From @SeachjackingÂ
1)           Dark Patterns video https://youtu.be/kxkrdLI6e6M Features designed to get web visitors to do thins they might not want to do . Color ques can get you to do things that you think are simple choice until the buy and charge my credit card is the same, but shown a Continue when in fact that bills your credit card.
2)           Credit card pass though https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6562631-AGGRESSIVE-SALES-TACTICS-ON-THE-INTERNET-AND.html
3)            Artificial Intelligence and Optimizing Reputation Management https://www.equities.com/artificial-intelligence-and-optimizing-reputation-management
4)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Threat of UPL Manipulation:Â https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6553898-Threat-of-URL-Manipulaton.html