May 5, 2021
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021) Primary Election in Richland County saw just a 4.8% turnout with not much on the ballot.
In Mansfield, Republican Stephanie Zader defeated Christopher Beale for Mansfield City Council At Large, as she earned 375 votes to 207 for Beale. Also, voters in Mansfield gave approval to the PRIDE TAX and Potholes Tax, as each got over 70% support.
The PRIDE tax is a critical source of revenue for Mansfield’s Police and Fire Department, which brings in roughly $ 2million.
Feb 4, 2021
There will be a few things on the ballot in Mansfield for the May 4th primary election. The Richland County Board of Elections says Republican Stephanie Zader will be challenged by Democrat Christopher Beale for the Mansfield City Council At-Large Seat.
Also, on the ballot for Mansfield voters will be the PRIDE tax and the other for potholes. In Ashland County, there will be no May primary election held, as no issues or candidates filed by this week’s deadline