With its easy access, huge foyer, eight screens, great food and elegant, old-school cinema vibe, it was often the cinema of choice for publicists hosting Hollywood blockbuster movie premieres. In the 2000s, kids would dress up as their favourite Harry Potter characters for morning weekend premieres. Riding high from her success with
Whale Rider, a young Keisha Castle-Hughes attended a
Star Wars charity screening there in 2005.
Now, the cinema seems to be a shadow of what it once was, boarded up with broken windows. More recently, big and small screen local stars posed for photos at the premiere of Taika Waititi’s
“I watch this show all the time because the stories come up on Facebook or YouTube or whatever,” he says. “They are stories that you get so addicted to. So even though they are done by Australian reporters, they are absolutely stories that will hook New Zealanders in.” McLean’s first piece for
A Current Affair is an interview with The Bachelorette New Zealand’s Lexie Brown. “The idea for me is mostly to be focusing on some of the entertainment stories and sitting down with some really amazing people because we have some really fascinating local artists, actors and TV personalities,” says McLean.
Watch: Hastings restaurant wowed as diners break into song after meal
25 Jan, 2021 02:19 AM
3 minutes to read
A group of diners at Sazio in Hastings thank the chef with a traditional waiata. Video / Supplied
A group of diners at Sazio in Hastings thank the chef with a traditional waiata. Video / Supplied
Hawkes Bay Today
By: Gianina Schwanecke
Diners at Sazio in Hastings, were treated to a concert experience of their own on Friday night when a group of happy patrons sang their praises for the pasta bar - literally.
Known as a mihi tenei ki nga ringawera, the song is a traditional Māori way of thanking hosts for their hospitality and delighted those in attendance, including Breakfast TV host Matty Mclean who shared the video on Twitter.