March 12, 2021
The C Meeting has ended officially as of like less than 2 hours ago. I will write all about what happened in a later post, but I wanted to talk specifically about something that happened on Monday, during the meeting, with proposal n2645.
N2654 is Melanie Blower’s paper for
#elifdef and
#elifndef, a long-standing hole in the preprocessor and a constant consistency footgun. Even I experienced this pain, and I was grateful to see Melanie put it forward. We don’t often get to do simple things, so Melanie is doing the Lord’s Work, here.
I took to Twitter on Monday and wanted to shout OUT to the very FIRMAMENT of HEAVEN about what happened, but ISO and its various sub/working-groups have rules. So I specifically can’t reveal anything until the actual adjournment of the meeting. But the meeting is over now so, let’s get right to it: