This is a contributed article by Peter Zaitsev, co-founder and CEO of Percona.
Open source is seen as a shining example of how to develop software, particularly for enterprises. The market for selling services and products based on open source code is predicted to be worth $66.84 billion by 2026. However, this success has come at a price and cracks are beginning to appear. How these issues play out will dictate the future of open source in 2021 and beyond.
Prediction #1: There will be more fragmentation around open source and cloud, leading to a battle over value
Our first prediction starts by acknowledging that two camps are emerging in the world of open source as a result of the growth of cloud computing services that provide and use open source solutions. One camp sees the actions of AWS and other cloud providers as a threat to the continuation of open source software development, and the second embraces this competition as a natural progression of open source.