Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday, after detailed deliberations, named Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi as the next prime minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
A AgenciesMUZAFFARABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Sardar Abdul Qayoom Niazi was elected as the 13th Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir by securing 33 votes from the 48 members present.
ISLAMABAD: Newly-elected Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi’s son Zarar Qayyum is the Labour party’s councillor for the London Borough of Hammersmith and.
By News DeskMUZAFFARABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday, after detailed deliberations, named Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi as the next prime minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir .For the purpose.