2021-05-13 by Proactive Australia
Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN)(FRA:GBL) has started a high-grade iron-ore production study on the Perenjori Iron Ore Project, near the town of Perenjori in the southwest Murchison Province of Western Australia.
The study will be completed by MinRizon Projects Pty Ltd, based on the previous (JORC 2004) inferred mineral resource estimate by CSA Global of 191.7 million tonnes at 36.6% iron, released by Quest Minerals Ltd in 2013 and will build upon the Scoping Study completed by Mintrex Pty Ltd.
Metallurgical test work indicated that the magnetite ore could be upgraded to close to 70% iron with standard magnetite beneficiation techniques, and with a significant portion of the orebody achieving around 85% iron yield.
Musgrave Minerals Ltd (ASX:MGV) Quarterly Activities & Cashflow Report
FRA:6MU) is an Australian resources company focused on gold exploration and development at the Cue Project in the Murchison Province of Western Australia (Figures 1 and 2 ).
At the Cue Project, the total project gold resources (Indicated and Inferred) have increased to 6.59Mt @ 3.2g/t Au for 659koz Au following a Mineral Resource update for the Break of Day deposit announced in November 2020 that included the new Starlight discovery (see MGV ASX announcement 11 November 2020, Break of Day High-Grade Mineral Resource Estimate ). Prefeasibility level studies have commenced at Break of Day and Lena.