Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal
We had several dozen correct entries for last week’s mystery photo of the old plow that sits on display at the entrance of the Minot Town Office and highway garage at 329 Woodman Hill Road in Minot. Our winner, John Hemond, of Minot, was chosen in a random drawing from all of the correct entries and will receive a $20 Hannaford gift card. When we called to tell him about winning, he informed us that he drove this Caterpillar D-6 bulldozer fitted with the Ross plow back in the ’60s and ’70s “as a young man. My father and grandfather were the road commissioners so that’s how I got that job.” He regaled us with several stories about how the slow-moving machine was great in deep snow but needed another plow to follow behind it to clean up the remaining snow it left in the road. “It wasn’t so good on ice with its tracks. I remember going sideways down Route 119 after hitting a patch of ice. And there was that time we were plowing in a big storm