Kolkata: Baruipur police on Monday seized five vaccine registers from Moshut sub-health centre and the personal diary of Mithun Mondal, who used to steal Covid vaccines from the sub-health centre to sell them to recipients at a premium.
Four health personnel of the sub-health centre were put under the scanner of investigators. The probe also revealed 65 names in Mondal’s diary, but confirmed 45 as recipients of the vaccine doses. Mondal sold vaccines for anything between Rs 300 and Rs 1,200 per jab.
Baruipur SP Vaibhav Tiwari said, “The probe is moving on a fast track. The health situation of each recipient is being monitored and we are taking the initiative so that the recipients get their second dose on time.”
ভুয়ো ভ্যাকসিন কেন্দ্রে টিকাকরণের পর এসেছে SMS, যুক্ত আরও অনেকে, অনুমান পুলিসের
টিকাপ্রাপক হিসেবে ছদ্মবেশে পুলিস প্রবেশ করেন ভুয়ো টিকাকরণ কেন্দ্রে। Updated By: Jul 25, 2021, 09:20 AM IST
নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদন: সোনারপুর ভুয়ো টিকাকরণে যুক্ত আরও অনেকে, অনুমান পুলিসের। অভিযুক্ত স্বাস্থ্যকর্মী সরকারি দফতর থেকে টিকা চুরি করেন। সেই টিকা টকার বিনিময়ে দিয়েছেন সোনারপুরের একাধিক জায়গায়। যা নিয়ে রীতিমত শোরগ
Unique bodypaintings demanding employment, education dominate PM Modi s rally in Barasat By Ujjwal Roy | Updated: Apr 12, 2021 21:35 IST
Barasat (West Bengal) [India], April 12 (ANI): As the battle for West Bengal intensifies, impressive body paintings have gained far more popularity than banners and hoardings during the ongoing assembly elections.
Body painters, who with their meticulous artistry are painting political symbols, leaders faces and slogans, said that there is a craze among youth to send a message through body paintings.
However, in Prime Minister Narendra s Modi s public meeting in Barasat on Monday, unique body paintings were on display which highlighted messages like unemployment, demand for jobs and the requirement for industries.