The Latest Windmills That Bill Gates is Tilting At . . .
. . . are . . . . . windmills. Now that the farce of “renewable energy” with windmills was exposed when they all froze up and were rendered useless in Texas, Batshit Crazy College Dropout Bill (BCCDB) has declared himself to be The World’s Biggest Expert on Windmills along with just about everything else computers, atmospheric science, viruses, epidemiology, demographics, your diet, etc., etc., etc. All those people in Texas, including the governor, who are blaming frozen and useless windmills for being frozen and useless are “wrong,” says BCCDB).
BCCDB is now also busying himself giving hundreds of millions from his foundation to an effort to declare math without which Microsoft would not exist as “racist” under the assumptiom that more white people than black people make use of math at all levels. Math is therefore a tool of white supremacy. If BCCDB really believes this, then I would say t