We were about to publish the dossier n. 6 of the “NWO against Italy” cycle but someone almost stole the investigation from us. He is not a counter-information reporter investigating the New World Order plots behind the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic but a politician enriched by globalism. It is the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi who on Friday 26 March, from Palazzo Chigi (PM seat), held a long press conference at the end of which he revealed who would help him to make vaccines mandatory, for now only for some categories: health workers.
The news was reported with emphasis by serving agencies and newspapers that now possessed by the idolatrous fanaticism of anti-Covid serums explained the government’s reasons: to prevent unvaccinated nurses and doctors from coming into contact with the sick.
We were about to publish the dossier n. 6 of the “NWO against Italy” cycle but someone almost stole the investigation from us. He is not a counter-information reporter investigating the New World Order plots behind the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic but a politician enriched by globalism. It is the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi who on Friday 26 March, from Palazzo Chigi (PM seat), held a long press conference at the end of which he revealed who would help him to make vaccines mandatory, for now only for some categories: health workers.
The news was reported with emphasis by serving agencies and newspapers that now possessed by the idolatrous fanaticism of anti-Covid serums explained the government’s reasons: to prevent unvaccinated nurses and doctors from coming into contact with the sick.