Sibley Areaâs Fourth of July Celebration will take place in downtown Sibley on Sunday, July 4.
This yearâs theme, SIBLEY AREAâS CELEBRATION OF HOME TOWN HEROES, was submitted by Hala Dornbusch, a fifth grader at GCMS Elementary School.
Activities will begin at 7 am with breakfast served at the lake. The annual Fishing Derby for youth will begin at 8:30 at the Sibley Lake.
Parade registration will be held from 10am-11am at the corner of Sciota and Ohio Streets in downtown Sibley. The parade will begin at 11:30 am.
Parade royalty for 2021 is Prince Brandon Mueller, son of Jay and Jolene Mueller of Sibley and Princess Haley Wahl, daughter of Steve Wahl of Sibley and Lisa Wahl of Gibson City. Both will be seniors at GCMS High School.
Ethereal Interface, the audiovisual collaboration between Orlando s Modal Plane and Chicago s Sara Goodman.
Dream Logs is 15 tracks of ambient downbeat music that, though abstract, is done with structure, motion and intelligibility.
It s available digitally on Circuit Church s Bandcamp, but for the full multimedia experience, it s also available on both cassette and VHS. click to enlarge Less-than-prolific Orlando band
Copper Bones produce so little output that any release by the quality two-piece rock duo is newsworthy. The recent Bottomfeeder, available on Bandcamp, is their first record since their 2016 debut album,
Exhibit A. Though just a morsel of a single, Bottomfeeder is a hard-rock crusher that s three and a half solid minutes of beef and crunch.