This week's junk food head-scratcher comes courtesy of cereal maker Kellogg's and snack-cake queen Little Debbie, who decided that it would be a good idea.
When spicy buffalo sauce brand Frank’s RedHot first implored adventurous eaters to “put that $#!t on everything,” we’re not sure noisy summertime cicadas is what.
Posted By Nina Rangel on Wed, May 26, 2021 at 5:01 PM click image Instagram / letshopscotch Saint City Culinary Foundation’s second annual Awkward Prom is slated to take place June 24. More than a few of us have dreamed of reliving our awkward prom nights as much cooler adults. Now, folks can do just that via Saint City Culinary Foundation’s second annual Awkward Prom, which will take place at downtown art gallery-slash-entertainment venue Hopscotch on Thursday, June 24. This year’s iteration of the fundraiser will feature dancing and drinks plus bites by chef Mark Garcia of Bandit BBQ. Prom-tastic attire is encouraged, meaning bring on the taffeta, tulle and hairspray.