1/1 MONDAY afternoon marked the end of a Dunfermline barber s long locks as she made an empowering move in her cancer journey. With the help of her young son, Taylor, and his enthusiasm to shave his mum s head, Laurie Gallacher stepped foot inside New Row Barbers – her place of work for 24 years – as a woman on a mission. As her first treatment for breast cancer had resulted in handfuls of hair falling out, she decided to take matters into her own hands and embrace the change brought on by the chemotherapy. It felt liberating, it felt powerful, she told the Press as she continues to share her fight with Press readers.
Scotland’s Eccentric Isle of Eigg
“If you’re going to get sick, be sure it’s on a Wednesday,” my Isle of Eigg tour guide/driver Brian Greene said. “That’s the day the doctor arrives by ferry from Skye.”
Greene was filling in for Charlie Galli, this Scottish island’s usual taxi driver (and only source of public transportation), who was stuck on the mainland for a week awaiting space for his van on the ferry to return home. So Greene, who has lived on this 3-mile by 6-mile Inner Hebrides island since 1979, had volunteered his car to drive my husband, Carl, and me on the single-track road around this gorgeous green area, affectionately dubbed the “People’s Republic of Eigg” by its population of 109.
Fife charity supporting NHS staff and patients relaunched
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A Fife charity which last year alone was awarded over £1m to support patients and healthcare staff in the region, has been relaunched under a brand new name.
The Fife Health Charity, previously known at the Fife Health Board Endowment Fund, has supported countless initiatives for the benefit of patients and healthcare workers in the Kingdom over the last 70 years.