There have been many alien encounter and abduction reports over the years, and these vary widely across the spectrum from the merely odd to the downright outlandish. On occasion, there have been cases that seem to be particularly weird, playing out like some sort of twisted dream and having a decidedly surreal, ofttimes nightmarish quality. Read more »
There have been countless pieces of photographic evidence of alleged UFOs put forward over the decades. At times they seem to be pretty much a dime a dozen, some of them held up as possibly real, others obvious hoaxes. Over the years there have been some photos that, regardless of their credibility, have managed to. Read more »
On April 12 of 1990, Nathan Neesmith, his brother Billy Joe Neesmith, his nephew Keith Wilkes, and his friend Franklin Brantley, set out from the U.S. state of Georgia aboard the snapper boat Casie Nicole for a seven-day fishing expedition off of South Carolina in the Atlantic. Although the boat had recently spent five weeks. Read more »
Mysterious tales of weird powers of the mind have been around for centuries. Such powers run the range from telling the future, to remote viewing, to mind reading, spirit mediumship, and everything in between. One very striking power that has often cropped up is that of the ability to move objects with the power of the mind, and far from just within the realm of science fiction, this is a power that has come up in a variety of supposedly real cases across time. Perhaps one of the more notable of these is the case of a Polish woman who burst onto the scene in the 19th century and would baffle all who tried to understand her.
Some mysterious vanishings are very unusual in just how sudden and without warning they come. There have been those cases in which people have just seemingly gone up in a puff of smoke, leaving few clues as to what has happened to them and a blank space where they should have been. One such case. Read more »