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Fairfield County Man Shot Twice Arrested At Hospital On Warrants, Police Say

Read / Add Comments A Fairfield County man who was shot twice was later arrested on two active warrants while at the hospital. The incident started around 2 a.m., Tuesday, July 6, when the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center received a shot spotter activation in the 500 block of Noble Avenue - two rounds. Minutes later patrol officers were notified that a person had been shot at that location. The victim, identified as 37-year-old Mario Cruz of Bridgeport, was suffering from what appeared to be two gunshot wounds. He was quickly transported to an area hospital and treated for non-life-threating injuries. Bridgeport detectives responded to the hospital and crime scene. Interviews were conducted, the scene was photographed, and evidence was collected, said Captain Kevin Gilleran.

Fairfield County Man Shot Twice Arrested At Hospital On Warrants, Police Say

Read / Add Comments A Fairfield County man who was shot twice was later arrested on two active warrants while at the hospital. The incident started around 2 a.m., Tuesday, July 6, when the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center received a shot spotter activation in the 500 block of Noble Avenue - two rounds. Minutes later patrol officers were notified that a person had been shot at that location. The victim, identified as 37-year-old Mario Cruz of Bridgeport, was suffering from what appeared to be two gunshot wounds. He was quickly transported to an area hospital and treated for non-life-threating injuries. Bridgeport detectives responded to the hospital and crime scene. Interviews were conducted, the scene was photographed, and evidence was collected, said Captain Kevin Gilleran.

Bridgeport Man Shot Twice Arrested At Hospital On Warrants, Police Say

Read / Add Comments A Fairfield County man who was shot twice was later arrested on two active warrants while at the hospital. The incident started around 2 a.m., Tuesday, July 6, when the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center received a shot spotter activation in the 500 block of Noble Avenue - two rounds. Minutes later patrol officers were notified that a person had been shot at that location. The victim, identified as 37-year-old Mario Cruz of Bridgeport, was suffering from what appeared to be two gunshot wounds. He was quickly transported to an area hospital and treated for non-life-threating injuries. Bridgeport detectives responded to the hospital and crime scene. Interviews were conducted, the scene was photographed, and evidence was collected, said Captain Kevin Gilleran.

Koronawirus w Portugalii Godzina policyjna przywrócona w 45 gminach

TVN24 Zaloguj się Zaloguj się 2 lipca 2021, 5:34 Musimy przywrócić restrykcje . Zła sytuacja w Portugalii, godzina policyjna w Lizbonie, Porto i dziesiątkach gmin Autor: ReutersKoronawirus w Portugalii Wprowadzenie nocnej godziny policyjnej na terenie 45 gmin z powodu nasilenia się pandemii COVID-19 – ogłosił w czwartek rząd Portugalii. Zacznie ona obowiązywać w piątek od godziny 23. Jak poinformowała podczas konferencji prasowej w Lizbonie rzeczniczka rządu Mariana Vieira da Silva, wprowadzenie restrykcji ma związek z szybko nasilającą się pandemią koronawirusa. Dodała, że władze kraju nie mogą stwierdzić, że pandemia została opanowana . - Sytuacja epidemiczna w kraju znacząco się pogorszyła, dlatego musimy przywrócić restrykcje sanitarne w gminach o wysokim i bardzo wysokim ryzyku zakażeń - wyjaśniła przedstawicielka rządu premiera Antonia Costy.

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