On 6 December 2020, parliamentary elections were held to choose the deputies of Venezuela’s
Asemblea Nacional (National Assembly - AN). Since 2015, the AN has been mainly composed of opposition MPs following the defeat of the government coalition, the
Gran Polo Patriotico (Great Patriotic Pole - GPP). To overcome this defeat, President Maduro decided in 2017 to create from scratch a National Constituent Assembly (ANC) which played the role of the AN. This manoeuvre accentuated the political crisis and radicalized the right, which denounced it as dictatorship.
Within this right, the most radical and violent wing, led by Juan Guaido and Leopoldo Lopez, gained the upper hand to the point that Juan Guaido appointed himself as president of the Republic on 23 January, 2019 during a meeting in Caracas. The imperialist countries, USA, France and so on, hastened to recognize him as “legitimate president”.