Incredibly impressed by Gov. Cuomo s leadership, I wrote last May. Firm, factual, empathetic.
That was certainly how it seemed at the time.
I found Cuomo s calm detail-oriented empathy-laced authority a stark and gratifying contrast to Donald Trump s appalling science-refuting bogus cure-spewing handling of the crisis at presidential level.
And many agreed with me, as Cuomo was showered in plaudits in mainstream and social media.
Nobody was more pleased with his performance than the Governor himself, who embarked on an extraordinary victory tour last Fall promoting a book entitled: American Crisis: leadership lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic.
When New York s Governor Andrew Cuomo held his lengthy daily pressers during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, I tweeted my praise for his style
Originally published in the Fall 2020 issue of CFA magazine. By Taylor Mendoza
When comedian and actor Maria DeCotis watched New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s April 19, 2020 coronavirus press briefing, she knew she was witnessing the perfect fodder for her next routine. After discussing hospitalizations, nursing homes, and testing, Cuomo switched from covering the state’s COVID-19 response to talking about his daughter Mariah’s boyfriend, who would be joining the governor’s family for dinner later that night. “He went on this long tangent. It was so mesmerizing. He just kept going and going, and I was like, ‘When is he going to stop?’” says DeCotis (CFA’15). “He said, ‘I like the boyfriend,’ so many times, and I thought, ‘There is no way he likes the boyfriend.’”
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Now mark each blue-shaded box as a day where we’ll be discussing ways to save and raise money.
New or increased taxes
“none of them good, but some better than others” are likely coming in New York regardless of whether Congress comes through with more cash, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this week.