We have people who are looking to move out from the beaches, Mr Smith said. It s the sustainability push at the moment - a bit of space, a bit of privacy, room where you can have a vegie garden and half a dozen chickens, Mr Smith said. He said the property s current owners were heading for the coast. The kids have all grown up and flown the coop and they re looking to go into the beaches, Mr Smith said. He said the property had ample space but was still close to major facilities in Noosa like Hastings St and a 15 minute drive away from Peregian Beach.
5th Mar 2021 6:10 AM Our great migration to the regions is a no longer a flash in the pan but a lifestyle trend that is here to stay, say treechangers and property experts alike. Due to the pandemic, Aussies exited our cities for the bush in record numbers over the past year. As our economic recovery gathers steam and the COVID-19 vaccine rollout begins, the shift to the regions has begun to slow but the increased attraction of a slower life will continue well into the future says demographer and social analyst Mark McCrindle. He said there will be tree change bounce back where people return to the cities - after international borders reopen, the pandemic passes and companies decide they want to see more of their workforce face-to-face.
Our tree-change and sea-change dreams are under threat as scientists warn about building homes in risky areas
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FebFebruary 2021 at 1:55pm
Lifestyle zonings on city fringes will need to be removed due to bushfire risk, researchers say.
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In the aftermath of out-of-control bushfires once again devastating parts of Australia, this time in the west, researchers say we cannot continue rebuilding in at risk areas.
Key points:
Researchers say we need to build climate-resilient communities as we recover from natural disasters
Industry experts say people may be left with worthless properties in a few decades time if we don t act now
Couple ditches Melbourne s corporate grind to farm goats and make specialty cheese
SatSaturday 13
SatSaturday 13
Daniel and Sarah Ajzner swapped city life for the farm.
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Key points:
The pair now make feta, fresh curd, labneh, halloumi and yogurt
They had a difficult season with their buck impregnating half the goat herd
She was working as a lawyer and living in Melbourne with her partner, Daniel, when the corporate hamster wheel lost its appeal.
The pair married and decided to do their honeymoon a little differently, by volunteering on a goat farm in Israel.
They fell in love with the place, and its cheese and an idea for their future was born.