Nursing homes consider new restrictions as delta variant of coronavirus rages
Evan Axelbank reports
CLEARWATER, Fla. - To Jodi Merritt s mom, Betty Lou, visits with grandchildren are akin to the very air she breathes. She is like why are you leaving, and I say, Mom I have to go, I am only allowed to stay an hour.
With the delta variant raging and cases on the rise, Bay Area nursing homes are taking a hard look at their procedures. To visit the 83-year-old stroke victim inside her Tampa nursing home, Merritt has to get tested twice a week. There are more loose requirements for outside, and she hopes that even with state positivity up fivefold in five weeks, it stays that way.
UpdatedThu, May 13, 2021 at 9:07 am MT
Ela Family Farms will be one of the vendors at the City Park Farmers Market, which is set to launch Saturday in Denver. (City Farmers Market/Persist Publicity)
Five Freedoms Dairy will be one of the vendors at the City Park Farmers Market, which is set to launch May 15 in Denver. (Credit: Margo Wanberg)
(Credit: Anna Boardman)
(Credit: Justine Henderson)
DENVER, CO A new farmers market in Denver will include more than 65 vendors, most of which will sell produce and food, organizers said.
The City Park Farmers Market will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday in the former City Park Esplanade Fresh Market space, at 2551 E. Colfax Ave.