Share prices of WPIL jumped 13 per cent to Rs 675 on the BSE in intra-day trade on Thursday, advancing 36 per cent in two days, after the company received a letter of intent (LoI) from Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam. WPIL has received a letter of intent from Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam for two projects for an aggregate amount of Rs 851.31 crore to be executed over 30 months, the company said in a BSE filing on Wednesday. At 02:45 pm, the stock was trading 7 per cent higher at Rs 641, as compared to a 1.2-per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. Around 73,000 equity shares changed hands on the counter till the time of writing o this report, as against an average 24,000 shares that were traded daily in the past two weeks on the BSE, the exchange data showed.