Vista High School celebrates Yellow Ribbon Week
Committee produces Helping Hands board to uplift students
YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - Vista High School (VHS) teachers and students unite to spread suicide awareness on campus and in the community.
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Yellow Ribbon Committee Chair Mayra Navarro says, We want to start a conversation and dispel the myth that talking about this topic is harmful. We also want our students to know that anyone can be a link and they can help someone change their mindset by saying kind words, suggesting self-care activities, and suggesting ways to connect.
Amongst the activities planned is a Yellow Ribbon Helping Hands display board meant to spread uplifting images. Both students and faculty have opportunities throughout the week to contribute their own creative works to the board.
Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn is Co-Chair of the Faribault Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Committee and is asking residents to assist the local National Guard.