Professor of business at Harvard Business School, Rosabeth Moss Kanter has said, “A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something . . .
Also discussed at the meeting was council’s decision to put out a request for tenders from engineering firms regarding asset management for the Town of Kamsack. “By order of the provincial government, assessments have to be done on things like roads, water, sewage systems, pipes, and buildings,” explained Brunt. “The selected company will examine Kamsack’s inventory and determine the lifespan of everything the town owns and operates. The findings will help council make better investment decisions regarding municipal infrastructure assets. For example, if it is determined that an asset is likely to break down within five years, council will be ready and equipped with a plan for replacement or modification efforts to coincide with that timing.”
“We want to encourage residents to seek outdoor activities, to keep healthy and fit, and to make the most of our beautiful Kamsack winter,” said Brunt. “We are pleased to announce we are looking into creating a cross-country ski trail, right here in town, at the Riverside Golf Course.” Brunt said the public works department will be engaged in the designing and building of a track setter, which would otherwise be very expensive to buy. Once it is built, Dale Rauckman, a local snowmobiler, has volunteered to drag and groom the brand new trail. The project is being helmed by council member, Bryce Erhardt, and the new trail should be ready for the public to try it out this winter.