Earlier this month, DDOT unveiled plans for the second phase of the West Virginia Ave NE protected bike lane project from K St NE to Mt Olivet St NE. The plans presented were largely as watchers of the bike lane proposal expected: removing unrestricted, unzoned parking on the west side of the street and installing protected bike lanes on both sides to match the planned configuration north of Mt Olivet St NE to Montana Ave NE. But DDOT surprised onlookers and bumped up the timeline now both phases of the project will be completed this summer in conjunction with the repaving, finishing Phase 2
Bike and Pedestrian Advocates Cautiously Celebrate Pasadena s First Bike Lane
Protected bike lanes, like the one Pasadena is installing on Union Street, increase safety for all road users and reduce the likelihood of fatal crashes. January 20, 2021, 11am PST | Diana Ionescu |
As the city of Pasadena installs its first protected bike lane, the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition is encouraging the city to ensure its plans for bike safety move forward despite concerns from some critics about slowing down car traffic. Melanie Curry, writing for Streetsblog California, says that in the past, the city has watered down plans for robust bike infrastructure in response to complaints about traffic being slowed down. But slower traffic is crucial to reducing the number and deadliness of car crashes, particularly on residential streets. Because slower speeds increase safety for everyone, good design should be prioritized over concerns about slower car traffic.
People Protected Bike Lanes, for changing the way people think about bike advocacy
Scraper Bike Team, for the 90th Avenue redesign in Oakland
San Jose Master Plan team, for creating a quick-build bike and street safety plan that’s gathering headlines nationwide
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Meaghan Mitchell via Twitter
In addition to our Streetsie winners, we have some extra news to celebrate. Thanks to the generous support of the SEED Fund, Meaghan Mitchell will be joining our staff as an occasional writer in 2021. Mitchell, a San Francisco native, has been published in