FULTON - CNY Arts Center announced they received a $1,000 grant from Price Chopper Golub Foundation to support Youth Arts Education cooking classes for 2021.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schoharie and Otsego Counties announced that the organization has reached more than 70% of their goal in obtaining contributions to fund the Grow with Cornell Cooperative Extension campaign. The campaign was launched in November to redevelop the grounds of the organization’s Education and Outreach Center in Cooperstown into teaching and education gardens.
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The Price Chopper-Golub Foundation has awarded the Extension a grant to develop and demonstrate the value of rain gardens. The rain garden will be installed in a buffer zone between the parking pavement and a pedestrian entryway into the Center’s gardens. Anyone interested in the Education and Outreach Center or its gardens can visit cceschoharie-otsego.org. See a drawing of the gardens below.
Grants from CNY Arts help agencies and artists through Covid (Your Letters)
Updated Dec 24, 2020;
To the Editor:
In response to the crisis facing the arts sector in Central New York caused by the pandemic, CNY Arts has been in the process of raising $1M for the CNY Arts Covid-19 Impact Fund. This initiative, which is almost half-way to its goal, has and will continue to provide emergency funding for arts agencies and artists in Cayuga, Cortland, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, and Oswego counties.
CNY Arts would like to thank its many community partners for their role in the success of this fund drive so far. We are gratified at the number of supporters, including businesses and individuals too numerous to mention here. As we look back at the first six months of this effort, our organization is especially appreciative of the challenge grants provided by The Central New York Community Foundation, The Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation, and the John Ben Snow Foundat