Toni Bryan, owner of Hometown Designs, along with daughter Spencer presents the proceeds of her Cont;nue fundraiser to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Premier Scott Moe purchased one of the apparel items in support of this fundraiser benefiting mental health awareness. Photos submitted.
The Unity Community Centre is undergoing exterior renovations, much to the enjoyment of residents who are excited to watch the continued progress of this project. Photo by Sherri Solomko Yes, we are weary. Yes there are more restrictions. Yes, we have to continue to do what we can, where we can and when we can in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Healthy communities make for healthy businesses, healthy seniors’ centres and healthy schools. We need to all work together to ensure this happens.
Unity photographer, Nick Senseshen, shared these pictures taken during a tour across Canada by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip that stopped in Unity July 21, 1959. Her majesty and the prince arrived by train and paraded down Main Street waving to hundreds of adoring fans and subjects. Prince Phillip died April 9 at age 99. Photos courtesy of Nick Seneshen.
Mayor Sharon Del Frari holds Batrick, one of the educational bats brought by bat biologist, Melanie Elliott, who helped educate town staff on these creatures before their return to the community in May. Photo submitted We are all tired. However, there is no time like the present to get your vaccine when eligible, adhere to necessary pandemic protocols and enjoy the great outdoors when you can. Ultimately, it is up to all of us to continue to do what we can, where we can, when we can in order to stop the spread.
New group home in Wilkie receives provincial funding
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The Government of Saskatchewan is committing $200,000 for construction of a new group home in Wilkie that will house five people with intellectual disabilities.
The home will be run by Prairie Branches which provides supportive living programs in the communities of Wilkie, Unity, Biggar and Kerrobert. The organizations currently supports 32 people in group homes, 14 in their supportive living program, 55 in day programs and 30 in vocational settings.
Prairie Branches Executive Director Eunice Washkowsky thanks the provincial government, the Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres and the Town of Wilkie for their support.
“Our community partners play a large role in creating inclusive and accessible communities in Saskatchewan,” Cut Knife-Turtleford MLA Ryan Domotor said on behalf of Social Services Minister Lori Carr. “I want to thank Prairie Branches for their commitment to supporting people with intellectual disabilities in our province and for providing quality group home services.” Prairie Branches currently supports 32 people living in their group homes, 14 people in their supported living program, 55 in day programs, and 30 in vocational settings in the communities of Wilkie, Unity, Biggar and Kerrobert. “We are pleased to have this wonderful addition to our growing agency,” Prairie Branches Executive Director Eunice Washkowsky said. “Prairie Branches strives to provide quality care and support for the residents and participants in our programs. Thank you to all of the government agencies, the Government of Saskatchewan, SARC and the Town of Wilkie for partnering with us.