Budding young photographers display photographic talents in local competition
Brent Knoll School pupils have been demonstrating their photography skills during a winter photography competition.
The competition, organised by art subject leader Lucy Beardsley, was a great success with many photos being sent in.
Head teacher Chris Burman says: “The photography competitions we have held in lockdown have proved a really successful way to encourage children to go out on their local walks and to really look hard at the world around them. The pictures have shown some real creativity.”
The winning photo, ‘Winter bridge scene’, pictured at the top of this page, was taken by Max Lambert, 10 who is a year 5 pupil at Brent Knoll School.
Local children praised by Police for creating large banner thanking key workers
Police have praised a group of community-spirited pupils for making this large banner thanking keyworkers.
The pupils of Brent Knoll Primary School created the colourful banner which has been installed outside and simply states: “Thank you key workers. Keep safe.”
Burnham-On-Sea Police said two of their team spotted the banner and wanted to thank the pupils.
“PC Tracey Jones and PCSO Sam Piers would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to the children at Brent Knoll School for their lovely sign and on behalf of all key workers. It really is appreciated,” said a spokesperson.