Esther Ashby-Coventry11:28, Jul 08 2021
Valentina Bellomo/Stuff
Matt Blain, a member of Timaru Fire Bugs, who will perform at the Matariki Night Market on Friday evening.
Fundraiser: Work places are asked to encourage staff to join Jeans Only Day and wear jeans to work as well as make a donation to Hospice South Canterbury. Donations received by July 16 go in the draw to win a morning tea shout.
Night Market: 5pm at Royal Arcade Matariki Night Market with fire eating and tango as well as stalls.
Young Farmers: 7pm at Timaru Town and Country Club, Douglas St. New Zealand Young Farmers Aorangi Region rural wellbeing night with three guest speakers; Founder of Farm 4 Life Tangaroa Walker,
Esther Ashby-Coventry15:40, Jul 07 2021
Aigantighe Art Gallery manager Cara Fitzgerald prepares for The Great Great Great Native Plant Swap or Buy.
A Timaru-born and raised artist is offering South Cantabrians a chance to swap or buy native plants as part of her exhibition raising awareness of the natural environment. Ann Shelton, now Wellington-based, has organised The Great Great Great Native Plant Swap or Buy on Saturday with the Aigantighe Art Gallery in Timaru as an addition to her exhibition. Shelton, halfway into her two month exhibition, is asking members of the public to bring native plants to swap, or buy and promote the original species in the region.