Published on: Tuesday, May 11, 2021
By: Antara News
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Police officers monitor vehicles at a checkpoint at kilometre 31 of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road in Bekasi regency, West Java. (Kompas)
JAKARTA: The Indonesian Police turned back some 70 thousand vehicles from 381 check points across the country, including Sumatra and Bali, on the third day of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming travel ban under the Operation Ketupat 2021, to stem the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, Head of the Indonesian Police’s Traffic Corps Inspector General Istiono said.
“Nationally, the security and traffic situation is running safely and smoothly,” he said .
He was accompanied by the Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran, the Head of Traffic Corps’ Operation Division Senior Commissioner Rudy Antariksawan, Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Regional Police Senior Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo as well as the Head of Public Relations for Metro Jaya Regional Po
Published on: Tuesday, May 11, 2021
By: Antara News
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Police officers monitor vehicles at a checkpoint at kilometre 31 of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road in Bekasi regency, West Java. (Kompas)
JAKARTA: The Indonesian Police turned back some 70 thousand vehicles from 381 check points across the country, including Sumatra and Bali, on the third day of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming travel ban under the Operation Ketupat 2021, to stem the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, Head of the Indonesian Police’s Traffic Corps Inspector General Istiono said.
“Nationally, the security and traffic situation is running safely and smoothly,” he said .
He was accompanied by the Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran, the Head of Traffic Corps’ Operation Division Senior Commissioner Rudy Antariksawan, Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Regional Police Senior Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo as well as the Head of Public Relations for Metro Jaya Regional Po
âWe are thankful and proudâ: Lancaster Co. Schools bus driver said to have âsaved a childâs lifeâ âWe are thankful and proudâ: Lancaster Co. Schools bus driver said to have âsaved a childâs lifeâ (Source: Lancaster County School District Safety & Transportation) By WBTV Web Staff | May 10, 2021 at 5:02 PM EDT - Updated May 16 at 7:24 AM
LANCASTER COUNTY, S.C. (WBTV) - Quick actions by a Lancaster County Schools bus driver may have saved a childâs life, according to the districtâs Safety and Transportation Director.
Hettie Smith, the driver of Bus 68, was approaching a stop Monday afternoon when she noticed a car failing to slow down for the stopped school bus from Kershaw Elementary School.
Police turn back 70 thousand vehicles on homecoming ban s third day 9th May 2021
The Head of the Indonesian Police s Traffic Corps, Inspector General Istiono and Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran are checking the KM 31 GT Blockage Post West Cikarang toll road, on Saturday (5/8/2021). ANTARA/HO-Korlantas Polri
During the past three days there have been about 70 thousand vehicles that we have asked to turn back Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Police turned back some 70 thousand vehicles from 381 check points across the country, including Sumatra and Bali, on the third day of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming travel ban under the Operation Ketupat 2021, to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, Head of the Indonesian Police s Traffic Corps Inspector General Istiono said.
Memorial Airport, featuring the Thunderbirds of the United States Air Force.
an extra one thousand were offered on Sunday, the final day of the show.
Rosecrans Manager Abe Forney says 30,000 general admission tickets were
released on Saturday with 31,000 released on Sunday.
thrill of the ride and understand, if just a little bit, what real speed is.
performing in the show along with the Thunderbirds.
ride was incredible,” Schmitz tells St. Joseph Post. “We hit 150 (mph) going
down the runway and I kept thinking he’s got to slow down; he’s got to slow