(Photo : The Digital Rookie Of The Year Comes With A Group Of All-Stars)
One positive experience at a time - the slogan of Poppins, a group of digital branding elites, that gathered to establish the agency over the last year. The potential to lead brands to the forefront of digital movements and engagement starts with an understanding for the brand s identity. That s what Poppins excels at and CEO Maani Safa has selected a high profile team. Products And Services Can Have A Grand Impact On The Lives Of People.
This is the thought process each member of Poppins have. The staff that is consistently growing each month, understands this approach. Each product has a specific vibe, an appeal to it. Its their duty to find this unique aspect to promote it. However, profit-making is not the primary endeavor. Poppins aims to find those that aim for a health, wellness or environment-friendly approach to their products and services.