Police will continue to target hooning and other dangerous driving behaviour in North West Tasmania.
“We will be continuing to target those drivers who drive in an unsafe manner, putting themselves and other road users at risk” Acting Inspector Darren Woolley from Western Road and Public Order Services said.
Police will continue to actively patrol urban and rural roads and are asking for the public’s assistance if they witness dangerous driving.
“Help us keep Tasmanian roads safe, if you see a vehicle being driven dangerously, report it to police. Remember to include as much information as you can – time, date, location, registration number and any other distinguishing features that will assist police to locate the driver.”
Where to celebrate New Year s Eve in Tasmania
TueTuesday 29
TueTuesday 29
The fireworks in Hobart will be higher this year.
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There will be fireworks events across Tasmania, albeit smaller than usual.
And because we are still living in the COVID-19 era, some organisers say it will be best to enjoy them from afar and celebrate at home.
Let s have a look at what s on, shall we?
Hobart fireworks higher than usual
The good news is the River Derwent fireworks will skyrocket again.
The even better news they ll be higher this year, making them more visible to more people.