Why is new grass seed covered with straw? Can any kind of straw be used? -Jack
When seeding new lawns, it’s generally recommended that a thin layer of mulch be scattered on top. That mulch really only has one purpose – to hold in moisture to keep the seeds from drying out. It’s not as necessary when overseeding older lawns, because the existing grass helps hold in moisture.
As for what kind of mulch to use, there are several options:
Wheat, Barley, or Oat Straw: Yellow grain straw is the most popular choice. It’s inexpensive, readily available, relatively free of seeds, and as your new lawn grows, it’s pretty easily chopped up with the lawn mower. Don’t use hay, as it contains too many seeds.
Posted: Apr 15, 2021 4:12 PM ET | Last Updated: April 15
It s easy to get excited about spring and the gardening season ahead, but please avoid taking out the rake and yard waste bags just yet, or at all! A live-and-let-live approach to yard cleanup in both the spring and fall is actually much more beneficial for pollinators and other insects.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Papilio glaucus on Purple Coneflower(iStock/db beyer)
Not your average pile of leaves
Many moths and butterflies (known collectively as Lepidoptera in the science world) spend the winter in leaf litter in their egg, larval or pupal form. For example, butterflies like the tiger swallowtail (