An apartment complex on Route 9 in Spencer on the western edge of the town center has sold for $3.65 million to a major Worcester landlord.
Baystate Investment Fund, run by Edward Murphy, bought the seven-building complex with more than 30 units from a limited liability corporation registered to Neil and Susan Rivers of Spencer. The deal closed Dec. 31.
The complex, called Crestview Gardens, adds to Murphy s growing portfolio, which in the past year and a half has included $2.2 million for a portfolio of multifamily properties in Northbridge, Southbridge and Webster, nearly $1.6 million for a building that includes Uxbridge House of Pizza and other businesses, and $1.2 million for a mixed-use building on Millbury Street just off Kelley Square. Murphy also runs 7 Hills Property Management and weRENTcentralmass and owns a number of Worcester properties.