By @tobyknappON | Facebook, @tobyknapp | Instagram, @tkradio | Twitter
Feb 10, 2021
A new study finds. yeah, you probably have been. And that unfaithfulness. runs deep!
Oh, and GEN-X? Yeah, ya ll need to reel that infidelity in.
From the FINDER study, and all data here is used with permission. here s how to spot this cheating, how to reel it in. and what to do if this infidelity is a stain on your relationships.
Financial infidelity happens when one spouse or partner lies to another about money. It can take on many forms. One partner may spend or borrow money without the other one knowing, hide money in a separate bank account or withhold it as a form of control.
By @tobyknappON | Facebook, @tobyknapp | Instagram, @tkradio | Twitter
Feb 10, 2021
A new study finds. yeah, you probably have been. And that unfaithfulness. runs deep!
Oh, and GEN-X? Yeah, ya ll need to reel that infidelity in.
From the FINDER study, and all data here is used with permission. here s how to spot this cheating, how to reel it in. and what to do if this infidelity is a stain on your relationships.
Financial infidelity happens when one spouse or partner lies to another about money. It can take on many forms. One partner may spend or borrow money without the other one knowing, hide money in a separate bank account or withhold it as a form of control.