May 2, 2021
The John T. Murray Post 1017 Auxiliary recently held their monthly meeting. The meeting opened according to ritual. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Robin Richmond and approved. Treasurer Pat Kibbe read the treasurers report and was filed subject to audit.
Election of officers were held. Judge was Brenda Drummond and tellers were Mary Krupa and Becky Addington. Elected officers for the 2021-2022 are Pat Rabb, president; Brenda Drummond, senior vice; Judi Perry, junior vice; Pat Kibbe, treasurer, Karen Gill, conductress; Becky Addington, chaplain; Mary Krupa guard, three-year trustee; Susie Dorset, and appointed office secretary Robin Richmond.
Delegates for the sixth district, state and national were also elected. It was voted and passed that the meeting will be the first Monday at 6 p.m. Please note time change.
Feb 21, 2021
The John T. Murray Post 1017 Auxiliary met recently. The meeting was called to order by Pat Rabb, president. COVID restrictions were in place.
Robin Richmond read the minutes from the last meeting and were approved. Pat Kibbe read the treasurer’s report and was filed subject to audit.
It was recorded that there are two new members whose applications were sent in. Anyone interested in joining can call Pat 341-1328 for information and application. Prospective members must have a mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, husband or wife who served in an overseas war.
The auxiliary is holding a take-out-only meatloaf dinner on March 24, at the post, 111-113 Deer St., Dunkirk, Dinner includes meatloaf mash potatoes, vegetables, salad roll and dessert for $10. Pre-sale tickets are available at the post. Tickets will also be at the door. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7, though post officials say plan to arrive early because the dinners usually sell out