By Swami Sukhabodhananda Treat all difficulties as divine surgery. Please do not think that I’m trying to rationalise all misfortunes that befall us. Only when we’re faced with problems do we wake up and try.
By Rajiv Vij What differentiates exceptional people from good ones is their ability to shine during times of crisis. Their key to thriving in challenging times is their mastery over their inner self. Such inner.
Dharma is based on loka sangraha February 14, 2021, 8:41 PM IST
By Shardha Batra
Dharma is the cosmic law which holds things, people, families, society, nations, and the countless, disparate elements of the cosmos together as a cohesive, harmonious and meaningful whole.
When this mystical law is translated into motivations and actions, appropriate to a specific individual in a specific situation, it transcends personal desires and attachments and manifests as dharma in its aspect as duty.
The ‘Vedas’ expand the word ‘dharma’ to include the abstract truths of ‘Satyam’, ‘Brihad’ and ‘Ritam’.
Satyam is the essential truth of a situation, deeper and more complex than the surface appearance. It is a result of ‘buddhi’ penetrating the threadbare essence of a situation.
By P Raja What is love? Definitions galore would vie with one another to answer this poser. But no definition would excel the following: If one can deny oneself and make a gift to satisfy.
By Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Recently, a couple came to me. Around five years ago, they believed they had the most spectacular love affair in the world. Now, ironically, their question was, “How can we separate.