The giant river otter had last been seen in Argentina in the 1980s. That was, until Sebastián Di Martino, the director of conservation at Rewilding Argentina, made the discovery of a lifetime while out kayaking.
A giant river otter that was thought to be extinct for decades has been rediscovered in Argentina. Conservationists at Fundación Rewilding noticed the otter swimming in the Bermejo River in Impenetrable National Park which is in Argentina’s Chaco province. The giant river otter, which is called Pteronura brasiliensis, hasn’t been seen since the 1980s. Furthermore,. Read more »
Extinct Giant River Otter Resurfaces in Wild as Several More Born in Captivity
On 5/28/21 at 2:07 PM EDT
A species of otter long considered to be extinct has recently resurfaced literally.
Footage of the extinct giant river otter bobbing its head from the water while on an afternoon swim has excited the animal conservation community, which thought the species had died out in the wild.
According to a Facebook post from the Fundación Rewilding Argentina, conservation director Sebastian Di Martino spotted the species that was believed to be extinct while kayaking on the Bermejo River in the Impenetrable National Park in Argentina on May 16.
In this week's issue of our environment newsletter, we look at an emerging technology that both helps mining companies and reduces emissions and examine the increasing popularity of floating solar panels.