The resident of all evils is finally here as Resident Evil 8 has launched today on multiple platforms. The series has found a home on PC platforms recently thanks to the stunning RE Engine that brings photorealistic graphics to the Horror franchise, and PC players get to make the most of it. But how well does it perform? And what kind of hardware do you need to play at its best? Let s take a look at the PC performance benchmarks for Resident Evil 8.
First of all, in this PC performance benchmark article for Resident Evil 8, we benchmark a range of graphics cards going from the higher-end RTX 3070 as well as the RTX 2060; to the lower-end R9 380; and the mid-range GTX 1060 which is close to the recommended GPU for 60fps performance on High graphics settings at 1080p resolution.
The resident of all evils is finally here as Resident Evil 8 has launched today on multiple platforms. The series has found a home on PC platforms recently thanks to the stunning RE Engine that brings photorealistic graphics to the Horror franchise, and PC players get to make the most of it. But how well does it perform? And what kind of hardware do you need to play at its best? Let s take a look at the PC performance benchmarks for Resident Evil 8.
First of all, in this PC performance benchmark article for Resident Evil 8, we benchmark a range of graphics cards going from the higher-end RTX 3070 as well as the RTX 2060; to the lower-end R9 380; and the mid-range GTX 1060 which is close to the recommended GPU for 60fps performance on High graphics settings at 1080p resolution.
Nioh 2 is finally arriving on PC after almost a year of exclusivity on PlayStation, and with it the PC edition brings many new features specific to the platform like 4K, 144Hz, and up to 120fps support, along with a few others. So let s take a look at the PC performance benchmarks for Nioh 2.
First of all, in this PC performance benchmark article for Nioh 2, we benchmark a range of graphics cards going from the higher-end RTX 3070 (recommended for 4K/60fps or 1080p/120fps) as well as the RTX 2060 (recommended for 1440p/60fps); to the lower-end R9 380; and the mid-range GTX 1060 (which is close to the recommended GPU for 1080p High graphics settings) as well as the GTX 970 (which is the minimum required GPU for 1080p Low graphics settings).