UNICEF established 33 EmONC in Sindh, Balouchistan Sun 09th May 2021 | 08:10 PM
ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th May, 2021 ) :The UNICEF has helped establishing 33 Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC) services in various areas of Sindh and Balochistan for providing round the clock medical aid to people of far flung areas.
The main aim of establishing 24/7 Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC) services was to support the Health Departments in strengthening maternal, new-born and child health services to people.
As many as 33 health facilities provided in Sindh and Baluchistan, including Basic Health Units, Rural Health Centers and District Headquarter(DHQ) hospitals, said a document of UNICEF Pakistan.
Mental health intervention planned for Badin
LHWs using mobile app to identify, assist anxiety and depression patients
A mobile application, mPareshan, will help mentally distressed people seek immediate help to prevent them from committing suicide or taking any other extreme step, stated a press release issued on Monday. Through this app the Lady Health Workers (LHWs) in Badin will provide mental health services at the doorstep of communities as part of a pilot study launched by researchers from the Aga Khan University.
Badin has the second-highest suicide rate in the province, according to a 2021 report by the Sindh Mental Health Authority, the press release said.
Federal Ombudsman to create awareness about cybercrime against children
May 3, 2021
Islamabad:The Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib) will soon launch a countrywide awareness drive to equip the masses and key stakeholders with tools and techniques needed for combating cybercrimes against children in an effective manner.
A sub-committee of a high-level task force, formed by the Federal Ombudsman at the end of last year to evolve a holistic plan of action to curb cybercrime against children have finalized an all-encompassing strategy in that regard, Wafaqi Mohtasib Commissioner for Children and Transgender Syeda Viquar un Nisa Hashmi told this agency.
Viqaur un Nisa, who is also convener of the task force said under the strategy, multiple detailed sessions would be arranged with parliamentarians, judiciary and police on the issue for ensuring policy initiatives, while the masses would be sensitized through Mosques, Lady Health Workers and other means.
Federal Ombudsman to create awareness of cybercrime against children
May 3, 2021
ISLAMABAD: The Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib) will soon launch a countrywide awareness drive to equip the masses and key stakeholders with tools and techniques needed for combating cybercrimes against children in an effective manner.
A sub-committee of a high-level task force, formed by the Federal Ombudsman at the end of last year to evolve a holistic plan of action to curb cybercrime against children have finalized an all-encompassing strategy in that regard, Wafaqi Mohtasib Commissioner for Children and Transgender Syeda Viquar un Nisa Hashmi told this agency. Viqaur un Nisa, who is also convener of the task force said under the strategy, multiple detailed sessions would be arranged with parliamentarians, judiciary and police on the issue for ensuring policy initiatives, while the masses would be sensitized through Mosques, Lady Health Workers and other means.
UNICEF established 33 EmONC in Sindh, Balouchistan Sun 25th April 2021 | 02:00 PM
ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Apr, 2021 ) :The UNICEF has helped establishing 33 Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC) services in various areas of Sindh and Balochistan for providing round the clock medical aid to people of far flung areas.
The main aim of establishing 24/7 Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care (EmONC) services was to support the Health Departments in strengthening maternal, new-born and child health services to people.
As many as 33 health facilities provided in Sindh and Baluchistan, including Basic Health Units, Rural Health Centers and District Headquarter(DHQ) hospitals, said a document of UNICEF Pakistan.