Wednesday Jan 20, 2021 at 8:41 AM Jan 20, 2021 at 9:21 AM
Columns share an author’s personal perspective.
One of the most powerful sources is the feeling of having a clean slate.
That’s why “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” a book by Japanese tidying guru Marie Kondo, has sold more than 8.5 million copies in 40 languages and is now a Netflix special.
That’s why confessing in church feels good.
That’s why “Tomorrow is another day” is one of the most famous lines in movie history.
It’s also why the Ohio Art Company made a fortune on the Etch A Sketch. A mechanical drawing toy with a flat gray screen and red plastic frame, it allows you to draw something, then turn it upside down, shake it and start over with a blank screen.
Columns share an author’s personal perspective. You never know how a sermon will turn out, but I knew the one on Dec. 20 was going to be good.My message was framed around the metaphor of a tiny Christmas cactus that sat in the windowsill of our guest bedroom. It had, that very week, produced a wee pink bloom - a sign of life in the darkest days of December. It was the perfect illustration.But as the old saying goes, we plan, and God laughs.The day I had to record the sermon, I walked