LONDON: One in every four maternal deaths around the world happens in South Asia. Lack of access to safe and legal abortions and contraceptives is a leading reason for the region’s high.
By News reportLONDON: One in every four maternal deaths around the world happens in South Asia. Lack of access to safe and legal abortions and contraceptives is a leading reason for the.
PESHAWAR: The federal budget for the fiscal year 2021-22 is not much different from the previous budgets endured by people, said a businessman adding, it would be followed by many mini-budgets.Zahid.
PESHAWAR: The federal budget for the fiscal year 2021-22 is not much different from the previous budgets endured by people, said a businessman adding, it would be followed by many mini-budgets.Zahid.
LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Saturday presided over a meeting to review in detail the salient features of the provincial budget 2021-22 as well as priorities and development.