Reports indicate that grass supplies are very variable on sheep farms at present.
Some farmers who had a good grass surplus or who are lambing later and are building demand slower are still in a relatively good position, while others find themselves in a trickier position.
For the latter group, a significant increase in grass growth may get many out of trouble and back on track quickly. For others, careful management will be required to steer a course back on track.
While the change away from harsh northeasterly winds is providing kinder conditions, temperatures are forecast to remain relatively low. This means all farmers will need to keep a good eye on grass supplies over the coming week.
Grass supplies are varaible on farms and farmers should take steps to ensure supplies do not deplete to a level that will be harder to recover from. / Claire Nash
Lambing Mortality Workshop in Co. Wexford. There are approx 10 events taking place around the country check with your local office for more info. \ CJ Nash
Adequate shelter will be important for outdoor lambing flocks given the sharp drop in temperature forecast from Monday onwards. Previous Next
There are major variations in reports from farmers on current grass supplies.
Farmers on dry land who got plenty of chances to get fertiliser out in recent weeks are generally in an OK position and providing next week’s drop in temperatures does not last too long should see sufficient grass supplies remaining ahead of ewes and lambs.