Unchanged city property tax rate of $0.5973, or just under 60 cents, per $100 of taxable value
Revenue increases projected
Catch up on deferred capital spending
Increases in travel and training budgets post COVID
June 1, final proposed budget presented
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$62,479,639 General Fund
Pays for most visible government functions like public safety, inspections and public works
Top revenue sources
$27.9 million, 44.7% of General Fund, property taxes, increases based on projected growth, especially in new houses
$14.4 million projected sales-tax revenues, 23% of General Fund
$5.6 million comes from shared state taxes including street repair, utility & franchise taxes, beer taxes, which is 9% of GF revenues
Victoria Young
The Harrisburg town manager recently presented the proposed 2022 fiscal year budget, characterizing it as a catch-up period for the town.
At the town council meeting Monday, Town Manager Haynes Brigman presented the proposed town budget for the upcoming fiscal year and said there was a noticeable decline in the overall 2022 budget versus 2021.
The FY 2021-22 budget was pitched as $73,691,446 for the General Fund, Water and Sewer Fund, Storm Water Fund, Capital Reserve Funds and Capital Project Funds. The FY 2020-21 budget was set at about $74,420,000. The town has been pulling together the proposed budget over seven meetings since the start of the year.