Marvel Comics and King In Black #4 Spoilers and Review follows.
Penultimate Issue Asks Whether New Yet Familiar God Of Light Can Take Out God Of Darkness Knull?! Where Is Venom?
There are a few more variant covers in addition to the above.
Plus the main cover.
Looks like Knull has finally captured the Brock he wanted; not Eddie Brock aka Venom, but his son Dylan Brock who was symbiote disrupting powers.
And, despite Knull’s several page speechifying, including a revelation that “they” created Dylan to destroy or defeat Knull, on queue does some damage to Knull.
In response to Knull’s god complex, e.g. believing he’s some kind of god of darkness, Doctor Strange transforms himself into a god of magic.
Marvel Just Turned A Major Spider-Man Character Into a God
Marvel just turned a major Spider-Man character into a god. That big power-up comes with the latest issue of Marvel s
King In Black event series, as Knull, God of the Symbiotes, finally meets his match. Since breaking loose from his prison and traveling to Earth, Knull has touted himself as the Lord of the Abyss, and master of the dark void that preceded the Celestial s initial Light of Creation. Well, Knull has certainly proven himself worthy of those titles as he s slaughtered and/or possessed the biggest heroes of the Marvel Universe. But the laws of the cosmos favor balance and